Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hangeng Showcase

First of all, I was very floored by the seats I was given for this showcase. First row, centre....omg.

Hangeng....Ah...I dunno what to say. He looked good. The last time I saw him was at the Super Junior Japan Premium Live...and the feeling is so different. So much has changed for him since then. And I do not know if it's for the better, but I believe he is much happier now. The showcase itself was...interesting...I would have liked for him to dance more. It was short, only one and a half hours, and fan games took too much of that time....soooo...

ANyway, just four pics.

My fave pic of the looks the best when he dances


There are alot of things photographically wrong with this image. But I LOVE BRIGHT COLOURED LIGHTS and shiny shiny .....

Not a fan of the Fro~ But he looks healthy.


  1. Wah piang eh! My ex the jerk looks healthy.

  2. Well, but he didn't dance as much...getting lazy?
